By Frankl, Viktor E.
University of Vienna Medical SchoolVienna, Austria
Paradoxical intention and dereflection are twotechniques developed in the framework of thatpsychotherapeutic approach and school which iscalled logotherapy (Fabry, 1968; Frankl, 1938,1955, 1958, 1962, 1966, 1967, 1969; Kac-zanowski, 1967; Weisskopf-Joelson, 1955).Logotherapy is usually subsumed either underthe category of humanistic psychology (Buhler& Allen, 1972; Frankl, 1973; Misiak & Sexton,1973) or regarded as belonging to phenomeno-logical (Spiegelberg, 1972) and existentialpsychiatry (Allport, 1959; Frankl, 1967a, 1972;Patterson, 1966; Pervin, 1960). More specif-ically, some authors contend that logotherapyis the only existential-psychiatric school and sys-tem that has succeeded in developingpsychotherapeutic techniques in the proper senseof the word (Leslie, 1965; Lyons, 1961;Tweedie, 1961, 1963; Ungersma, 1961). Theyobviously refer to the techniques that have beentermed by this author, paradoxical intention(Frankl, 1947, 1960) and dereflection (Frankl,1947, 1955)….\ To continue reading…
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